LibRaw 202502 snapshot is just published in our Github repository. Changes are:
Camera format support
OM System 14-bit high-resolution files.
Note: the new decoder supports old (12-bit) Olympus/OM-System files
too and slightly faster (about 5%), so the old one is removed.
Nikon NEFX (4/8/16/32 shots in PixelShift mode merged via Nikon software)
new compile-time define LIBRAW_CALLOC_RAWSTORE
If defined: calloc() will be used for all big buffer
allocations to prevent uninitialized heap data leak
Small allocations: calloc() instead of malloc() to prevent
uninitialized heap data leak
LibRaw 202403 snapshot is just published in our Github repository. Changes are:
Raw format support
Panasonic encoding 8
Sony YCC (Medium/Small compression) pseudo-RAW support:
normal processing (3-channel RGB output)
or YCbCr output if LIBRAW_RAWSPECIAL_SRAW_NO_RGB bit is set
in imgdata.rawparams.specials (one may specify the
LIBRAW_RAWSPECIAL_SRAW_NO_INTERPOLATE flag too avoid Cb/Cr interpolation)
Note: if YCbCr is selected, Cb/Cr neutral points are adjusted to 8192
This version is upgradable from previous snapshot via usual git pull. If you're still using older version you may need to use forced update (git fetch/git reset).
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