dcraw_process() can now be called several times with different parameters
without re-opening and unpacking the file for second and consecutive
calls to dcraw_process
Fixed possible buffer overrun when RawSpeed library used
Added new C++ API Call LibRaw::recycle_datastream(), C API call
libraw_recycle_datastream() and new errorcode LIBRAW_INPUT_CLOSED
for unpack/unpack_thumb() calls.
These new API calls may be used to free file handle (and associated
file buffer) if your application will not call unpack*() on this
LibRaw handle, so file may be unlocked.
Support for Imacon Ixpress 39Mpix Multi-shot files
LibRaw::subtract_black() return type is now integer. Function returns
errorcode according to libraw error conversion.
New processing stage LIBRAW_PROGRESS_RAW2_IMAGE (this flag is set
by LibRaw::raw2image() call)
- not really a warning, but information that RawSpeed library was used
for image decoding.
imgdata.rawdata.color_image is now split to two pointers:
- ushort (*)[3] color3_image for 3-component RAW images (color DNGs,
- ushort (*)[4] color4_image for 4-component color raws (Sinar 4shot,
Kodak RAWs and so on).
imgdata.idata.sizes.raw_pitch is now in *bytes*
This value should be used for access rows in imgdata.rawdata.*_image
New warning flag LIBRAW_WARN_RAWSPEED_UNSUPPORTED, this bit in
process_warnings is set (with LIBRAW_WARN_RAWSPEED_PROBLEM) if
RawSpeed's checkSupported() fails.
Disabled RawSpeed processing of several RAW formats (incorrectly unpacked)
Alpha-quality (i.e. untested) RawSpeed library support (http://rawstudio.org/blog/?p=800) Decoding (LibRaw::unpack()) of supported formats is 1.5-3x times faster.
OpenMP speedup for linear interpolation
Disabled decoding JPEG (lossy DNG) data from memory buffer for libjpeg version less than 8. Use -DUSE_JPEG8 if your jpeg is v8+
hotspots moved to virtual functions
is_phaseone_compressed() call
PhaseOne RAWs: for user-specified black level(s) black subtraction works as expected.
ABI and API changed, all programs using 0.15-Alpha1-3 should be recompiled!
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