I am trying to compile my software to Windows with the Mysys2 package manager. Everything is going right but one function.
Indeed, I was using libraw_open_file for my whole app but on Windows it crashes. So I tried to use libraw_open_wfile as defined in the documentation. But I have the following message:
warning: implicit declaration of function 'ibraw_open_wfile'; did you mean 'ibraw_open_file' ?
I went throug the include file and I saw these lines:
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 1310)
DllDef int libraw_open_wfile(libraw_data_t*, const wchar_t *);
DllDef int libraw_open_wfile_ex(libraw_data_t*, const wchar_t *, INT64 max_buff_sz);
So, it should be ok ?
Please could you tell me how to proceed ?
Sorry, have not used Mysys2,
Sorry, have not used Mysys2, so not know what preprocessor variables are defined
-- Alex Tutubalin @LibRaw LLC
In fact with MySys2 it is mingw and there is no _MSC_VER macro definition neither ...
So it definitely can't work.
Is there any reasons why MINGW is not wanted for the windows version of the function ?
For example with libtif I've faced to the same issue but the windows function is ok with mingw:
extern TIFF* TIFFOpen(const char*, const char*);
# ifdef __WIN32__
extern TIFF* TIFFOpenW(const wchar_t*, const char*);
# endif /* __WIN32__ */
I'm not sure that all MinGW
I'm not sure that all MinGW versions supports std::filebuf->open(wchar_t*);
You may try to enable this in your LibRaw copy
-- Alex Tutubalin @LibRaw LLC
Here the logs
Here the logs of the errors I have (with no changes in the code):