Yes, I did. It works(I think) and applies the icc profile. Gamma is correct but colors are faded.
My output command goes like this
dcraw_emu -T -a -p profile.icc my.dng
My output when running dcraw_emu in terminal looks like this
LibRaw-0.17.2/bin/.libs/dcraw_emu [OPTION]... [FILE]...
-c float-num Set adjust maximum threshold (default 0.75)
-v Verbose: print progress messages (repeated -v will add verbosity)
-w Use camera white balance, if possible
-a Average the whole image for white balance
-A <x y w h> Average a grey box for white balance
-r <r g b g> Set custom white balance
+M/-M Use/don't use an embedded color matrix
-C <r b> Correct chromatic aberration
-P <file> Fix the dead pixels listed in this file
-K <file> Subtract dark frame (16-bit raw PGM)
-k <num> Set the darkness level
-S <num> Set the saturation level
-n <num> Set threshold for wavelet denoising
-H [0-9] Highlight mode (0=clip, 1=unclip, 2=blend, 3+=rebuild)
-t [0-7] Flip image (0=none, 3=180, 5=90CCW, 6=90CW)
-o [0-5] Output colorspace (raw,sRGB,Adobe,Wide,ProPhoto,XYZ)
-o file Output ICC profile
-p file Camera input profile (use 'embed' for embedded profile)
-j Don't stretch or rotate raw pixels
-W Don't automatically brighten the image
-b <num> Adjust brightness (default = 1.0)
-q N Set the interpolation quality:
0 - linear, 1 - VNG, 2 - PPG, 3 - AHD, 4 - DCB
5 - modified AHD,6 - AFD (5pass), 7 - VCD, 8 - VCD+AHD, 9 - LMMSE
-h Half-size color image (twice as fast as "-q 0")
-f Interpolate RGGB as four colors
-m <num> Apply a 3x3 median filter to R-G and B-G
-s [0..N-1] Select one raw image from input file
-4 Linear 16-bit, same as "-6 -W -g 1 1
-6 Write 16-bit linear instead of 8-bit with gamma
-g pow ts Set gamma curve to gamma pow and toe slope ts (default = 2.222 4.5)
-T Write TIFF instead of PPM
-G Use green_matching() filter
-B <x y w h> use cropbox
-F Use FILE I/O instead of streambuf API
-timing Detailed timing report
-fbdd N 0 - disable FBDD noise reduction (default), 1 - light FBDD, 2 - full
-dcbi N Number of extra DCD iterations (default - 0)
-dcbe DCB color enhance
-eeci EECI refine for mixed VCD/AHD (q=8)
-esmed N Number of edge-sensitive median filter passes (only if q=8)
-acae <r b>Use chromatic aberrations correction
-aline <l> reduction of line noise
-aclean <l c> clean CFA
-agreen <g> equilibrate green
-aexpo <e p> exposure correction
-dbnd <r g b g> debanding
-mmap Use mmap()-ed buffer instead of plain FILE I/O
-mem Use memory buffer instead of FILE I/O
-disars Do not use RawSpeed library
-disinterp Do not run interpolation step
-dsrawrgb1 Disable YCbCr to RGB conversion for sRAW (Cb/Cr interpolation enabled)
-dsrawrgb2 Disable YCbCr to RGB conversion for sRAW (Cb/Cr interpolation disabled)
-disadcf Do not use dcraw Foveon code either if compiled with demosaic-pack-GPL2
Yes, I did. It works(I think) and applies the icc profile. Gamma is correct but colors are faded.
My output command goes like this
dcraw_emu -T -a -p profile.icc my.dng
My output when running dcraw_emu in terminal looks like this