How do I correct white balance?
I am using libraw to convert a NEF file to a bmp file.
The order I call the functions are as follows -
LibRaw RawProcessor; RawProcessor.open_file(); libraw_data_t imgD=RawProcessor.imgdata; imgD.params.use_camera_wb=1; imgD.params.user_flip = 3; RawProcessor.unpack() RawProcessor.dcraw_process(); processedImg=RawProcessor.dcraw_make_mem_image()
Now I have tried to write my bitmap in two ways -
1. processedImg->data[]
2. RawProcessor.copy_mem_image();
Neither have created me a .bmp file with the correct white balance. However, creating a ppm file using one of the samples produces a faithful reproduction. What am I doing wrong?
Sorry if this is a duplicate - My first post did not show up and stated unpublished.
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