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Ok. I'm still processing your

Ok. I'm still processing your explanations:

Let me take one step back on raw_image(). I see the initialization and dimensioning of raw_image, set as a one dimension array (row, or column, that's just an abstraction here):

 imgdata.rawdata.raw_alloc = malloc(rwidth*(rheight+8)*sizeof(imgdata.rawdata.raw_image[0]));
            imgdata.rawdata.raw_image = (ushort*) imgdata.rawdata.raw_alloc; 

When i display the raw values, if I printout the raw_image[] at 4 consecutive indices,

unpack(): raw_image[ i ] = 2135
unpack(): raw_image[ i+1 ] = 2091
unpack(): raw_image[ i+2 ] = 2126
unpack(): raw_image[ i+3 ] = 2174

assuming i'm in row_N, say, at the beginning of the row, are these values corresponding to RGRG?

Then if I print at

unpack(): raw_image[ i + width]
unpack(): raw_image[ i+1 + width]
unpack(): raw_image[ i+2 + width]
unpack(): raw_image[ i+3 +width]

does that go to the next row where I'd see the BGBG associated to the same pixel ? you said 4 values per pixel, as expected for Bayer image, so just checking I understand how they are set in the raw files.
