I multiplied my channels as advised (divided by green multiplier, and not touching the green channel), but it's far from the white balancing that I had with dcraw_process().
After unpack(), besides the demosaicing, is there anything I have to do before/after my white balancing to have something close to dcraw_process()?
'cause If not, then I guess the opencv algorithm for demosaicing is such that the white balancing with the camera white balance multiplier does not apply equally as it did with dcraw_process().
Back to the white balancing:
I multiplied my channels as advised (divided by green multiplier, and not touching the green channel), but it's far from the white balancing that I had with dcraw_process().
After unpack(), besides the demosaicing, is there anything I have to do before/after my white balancing to have something close to dcraw_process()?
'cause If not, then I guess the opencv algorithm for demosaicing is such that the white balancing with the camera white balance multiplier does not apply equally as it did with dcraw_process().