According to Exiftool for your 1st file:
GPS Latitude : 48 deg 7' 48.30" N
GPS Longitude : 11 deg 34' 2.32" E
According to LibRaw (variables from MSVC Debugger):
+ latitude 0x0000016e11b1f0cc {48.0000000, 7.00000000, 48.3039856} float[3]
+ longitude 0x0000016e11b1f0d8 {11.0000000, 34.0000000, 2.32399201} float[3]
I do not see any difference.
It is likely that your '(0, 48, 7)' is lattitude array dump (1st 3-item array in parsed_gps structure), it looks like offsets used (either in parsing or in interpreting the data) are wrong.
Please make sure you use libraw*.h and libraw*so (.a) from the same version (so assume same structures offset).
Another possible problem is structure padding (different assumption in calling code and in compiled LibRaw)
According to Exiftool for your 1st file:
GPS Latitude : 48 deg 7' 48.30" N
GPS Longitude : 11 deg 34' 2.32" E
According to LibRaw (variables from MSVC Debugger):
+ latitude 0x0000016e11b1f0cc {48.0000000, 7.00000000, 48.3039856} float[3]
+ longitude 0x0000016e11b1f0d8 {11.0000000, 34.0000000, 2.32399201} float[3]
I do not see any difference.
It is likely that your '(0, 48, 7)' is lattitude array dump (1st 3-item array in parsed_gps structure), it looks like offsets used (either in parsing or in interpreting the data) are wrong.
Please make sure you use libraw*.h and libraw*so (.a) from the same version (so assume same structures offset).
Another possible problem is structure padding (different assumption in calling code and in compiled LibRaw)