Yes, this is bug in open_bayer() code, the standard tone curve (color.curve[] array) was not initialized to linear curve, but it is used in 8-bit decoder.
Just add these lines:
for (int i = 0; i < 0x10000; i++)
curve[i] = i;
To void CLASS initdata() (anywhere in the function body). This call is in
* dcraw/dcraw.c if you're using snapshot (and re-generate script/makefile)
* internal/dcraw_common.cpp (if you're do not regenerate this file from LibRaw's dcraw.c).
(you may patch both source files if you're not sure, if re-generate script is used, than dcraw_common.cpp to be generated from dcraw.c if needed)
Thanks for the sample.
Yes, this is bug in open_bayer() code, the standard tone curve (color.curve[] array) was not initialized to linear curve, but it is used in 8-bit decoder.
Just add these lines:
void CLASS initdata()
(anywhere in the function body). This call is in* dcraw/dcraw.c if you're using snapshot (and re-generate script/makefile)
* internal/dcraw_common.cpp (if you're do not regenerate this file from LibRaw's dcraw.c).
(you may patch both source files if you're not sure, if re-generate script is used, than dcraw_common.cpp to be generated from dcraw.c if needed)
Link to full patch:
(sorry, our forum does not allow attachments to topic comment, it is easier to put it on dropbox than re-tune our forum).
This full patch also patches openbayer_sample.cpp to get correct parameters to this call.