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What is the best way to decode X-Trans RAW?

My code looks like this:

LibRaw *rawProcessor = new LibRaw;
rawProcessor->imgdata.params.half_size = 1; // Process in half size to increase speed
rawProcessor->imgdata.params.use_camera_wb = 1;
rawProcessor->imgdata.params.use_auto_wb = 0;
rawProcessor->imgdata.params.no_auto_bright = 1;
rawProcessor->imgdata.params.exp_correc = 1;
rawProcessor->imgdata.params.exp_shift = 2.3;
rawProcessor->imgdata.params.use_rawspeed = 1;
if (rawProcessor->open_file([filePath UTF8String]) == LIBRAW_SUCCESS) {
int ret = rawProcessor->unpack();
if (ret == LIBRAW_SUCCESS) {
ret = rawProcessor->dcraw_process();

I'm doing a half-size extract, but I found that the resulting image looks a bit rough sometimes, especially when the photo contains some high contrast edges.

What is the best way to decode a X-Trans RAW file?
