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Compiling Libraw with RawSpeed

I'm trying to have libraw with rawspeed support (ubuntu 22.04), but I can not manage to make it work.

Here's what I'm doing so far,
I have folder parent/ where I put Libraw-0.20.0 and 'rawpseed-master' renamed to 'RawSpeed'. (I have two folders, parent/LibRaw-0.20.0 and parent/RawSpeed).

For RawSpeed :
-copy/paste the patches from parent/LibRaw-0.20.0/RawSpeed/ to parent/RawSpeed/RawSpeed,

-execute commands :"patch < rawspeed.cpucount-unix.patch", "patch < rawspeed.qmake-pro-files.patch" and then "qmake -makefile"

-A makefile is created, I just have to modify the libxml2 include file from "/usr/local/include/libxml2" to "/usr/include/libxml2" before running "make". The make command works without errors. so far I think things are done correctly.

Then, for Libraw:
-Modify the "Makefile.dist" by uncommenting the 2 lines after #RawSpeed support (and modifying "/usr/local/include/libxml2" to "/usr/include/libxml2" in my case)

-Run "make -f Makefile.dist". Files are getting compiled without any errors.

Then the README.RawSpeed.txt file does not give hints next, so I just do "sudo make -f Makefile.dist install" and I try to use it with my program but I get an error (CmakeLists.txt pkg_search_module cannot find 'libraw').

I also tried to compile Libraw without Rawspeed to make sure it was working in the first place (running autoreconf, configure and make) and it works properly.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong here? I'm not really familar with makefile stuff.
