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So we are closer to the root

So we are closer to the root cause. Listing all symbols nm and trying to find 'open_file' via grep reports a different signature for class LibRaw 'LibRaw::open_file', than the wrapper library and linker expects.

The linker expected a symbol 'LibRaw::open_file', while the compiled binary of the static library libraw.a has a different signature. Obviously, 'configure' might create confusion about the tools and proper options detected to compile and link the binaries for libraw, which will result in a completely different signature of the C++ class method. I need to see, what the specific root cause for macos will be in this case.

MacBook-Pro:LibRaw user$ nm -a lib/libraw.a | grep open_file
                 U __ZN6LibRaw9open_fileEPKc
0000000000000110 T _libraw_open_file
lib/libraw.a:x3f_parse_process.o: no symbols
lib/libraw.a:x3f_utils_patched.o: no symbols
0000000000000070 T __ZN6LibRaw9open_fileEPKc