Thanks for the prompt reply. Sorry, I should have provided a more complete problem statement (but where do you stop?) My code tests all the different data raw data pointers in libraw_rawdata_t and they are all null. I'm testing with Canon CR2 and Panasonic RW2. I assume unpack has done its job since it returned no error and libraw_image_sizes_t.raw_pitch has (what seems like) valid data (which it didn't have before the unpack).
Thanks for the prompt reply. Sorry, I should have provided a more complete problem statement (but where do you stop?) My code tests all the different data raw data pointers in libraw_rawdata_t and they are all null. I'm testing with Canon CR2 and Panasonic RW2. I assume unpack has done its job since it returned no error and libraw_image_sizes_t.raw_pitch has (what seems like) valid data (which it didn't have before the unpack).