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Another issue I came across

Another issue I came across is that the cropped dimension offsets are different between a CR2 image and a corresponding DNG.

CR2: and a DNG is obtained by using Adobe DNG Converter (17.1.0).

CR2: 5616 x 3744 left: 168 top: 56
DNG: 5616 x 3744 left: 336 top: 112

CR2's raw resolution is 5792x3804, so trying to crop it according to those values would not be possible - it'd escape the raw dimensions (e.g. 336 + 5616 > 5792).

It's also interesting that DNG's offsets are exactly double of those reported for CR2.

I found a note here that this might be expected, but wanted to flag it anyway in case it'd offer you some additional clues.